Blog - Blitzing that myth and getting the army into yoga

By Claire | 14th May 2018

Blitzing that myth that Yoga’s for Girls and Grannies

A yoga highlight of my year last year was enlightening our local squaddies that yoga can a) be a workout and b) isn’t as yummy mummy as the name denotes. Cordially invited to teach yoga to a group of 60 of MOD Stafford’s finest I planned a classic power yoga session. Popped in their diaries as part of their compulsory weekly PT (physical training) only a rumour had delighted them to the notion they would be getting yoga!!

When they entered the gym the shock was more mine than there’s 60 had become almost 200!!!

Whaaaaatttttt!!!! I thought to myself I have no head mic. I had my friend Grace with me to assist and a small podium stage.

I had fleeting moments of doubt and then a surge to sock it to them. I had to find my drill Sargeant side (that was fun) and quickly nip in the bud a few heckles through leggy warriors.

We got to Crow quicker than I usually would, it created camaraderie and proved popular and then a few more long planks/side planks and variations to keep em’ keen and break a sweat. Lions breath – several – by the the third they roared, perfectly primed though most of them entirely new to this practice. It was a relatively short session but at shivasana they truly flaked.

The ‘Oms’ to finish rang loud and true and for me the real delight was not just in sharing this integrative practice both physical & mindful But in the sheer surprise that I could command /guide such a large group and wilful group (a lot because I didn’t have a choice) and a lot because I love real physical demanding challenging yoga and so I new they could too if I delivered it right.

Hugely grateful and amazing privilege to teach this regiment that I shan’t name doing my best to scramble obvious faces in the photos for privacy! They embody true yoga Karma in their courage and commitment to action their intentions.

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